10 Unique Ways to Use Looka’s Logo Maker

If you haven’t already gathered by now, we love logos…a lot. And we love seeing the unique reasons our customers make logos every day. There are a surprising number of reasons to have a logo beyond owning a business! Logos provide a sense of belonging and identity for a group of people in a given community, or event.
Over the years we’ve seen so many logos designed for events and other purposes we never would have thought about! We love seeing our customer’s creative ideas come to life in our logo maker and want to share them with you here.
1. Charity causes
To honor her five-year-old son who tragically lost his battle to cancer, Vanessa designed this logo for a charity foundation she started on his behalf. Vanessa used animal symbolism in this logo as well as a great monochromatic color combination to create an impression of strength and resilience.
“Our logo is a lion. And lions are brave and that was the best way to honor our brave boy. He fought hard and bravely to stay with us.”
2. Bar & Bat mitzvahs
We love the idea of creating a logo for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. These are traditionally huge events with a large number of attendees. Why not make it memorable with a logo you can print on invitations cards, menus, seating charts, and even online!
Sharon designed this logo for her daughter’s Bat Mitzvah because she wanted something uniquely personal to her.
“It is a fun and humorous way to engage people in our daughter’s somewhat overdone ancient rite of passage.”
3. Marathons
Mountains are a symbol of conquest and overcoming obstacles. Nathan wanted to design a logo for his race team that would stand out in the crowd. This mountain logo uses a modern font and bright accent color to make a fierce impression.
“We wanted the make sure our logo was what we liked and not what a designer liked. Sometimes designers don’t fully understand what you want, so it was better to make our own logo. We also wanted to make sure it properly reflected our sport in a modern style!”
4. Bachelorettes
Bachelorettes are a fun time for everyone—bride, bridesmaids, and onlookers alike. Bachelorette parties offer a wealth of opportunities to use a logo. Print them on invites, t-shirts, custom wine glasses or champagne flutes…you get the picture. We love this symbol of bubbly champagne paired with a slogan that properly describes the event in as little words as possible.
5. Birthdays
Having a logo for a birthday party is an ingenious way to brand the event! Print the logo on banners and signs and make everyone feel like they’re part of something super special.
6. Sports
Designing a logo for your own sports team is a great way to make it feel legit! This dodgeball team name pays homage to New York Jets superstar, Joe Namath, as well as the Dodgeball film team “Average Joes”. After winning five championships the team decided to design a logo to legitimize their presence on the court. Fierce!
A logo will help brand your team on social media, or chat groups, it can also be printed onto your t-shirts for a marathon. Sports teams take great pride in their logos!
7. Weddings
More and more couples are designing logos for their wedding. There are endless assets to place your logo on for a wedding! It’s also a great place to add your wedding hashtag as a slogan for people to easily remember how to share content from your event. Use your logo on signage, invites, place settings, table numbers, menus, social media, your wedding website and more!
8. School projects and groups
Moonlight ensemble is a theatrical ensemble dedicated to the promotion of diverse and marginalized perspectives in theatre. They created a logo to boost their identity when entering theatre festivals and competitions.
Looka customer, Bradley, explains, “the moon motif represents the marginalization of the voices we try to embolden, as they are voices that have traditionally expressed themselves only in darkness.” We love the thought put into this logo design!
9. Resumes
Designing a logo for your resume and personal brand is a fantastic way to elevate your resume and make it stand out amongst your competition.
10. Political causes
This logo was created by a group at the intersection “of performing arts and political activism,” that run a podcast celebrating and challenging the ways artists struggle to create change. Logos can be used for community politics, school elections, other political purposes!
“Too often in the performing arts, the artists are stripped of agency and viewed solely as a body to be manipulated for audience pleasure. I wanted the logo to communicate the inherent right of every individual to have a voice and to have that voice heard.”
We love seeing logos designed for unique cases! There are tons of reasons to use a logo beyond a business. If you have a team or upcoming event, try designing your logo for free using our logo maker!