We’re Offering Free Logos to Those Affected by COVID-19 Layoffs

people helping each other up a set of stairs

This is a hard time for everyone. Around the world, we are experiencing waves of high emotion as we move into a future full of unknowns. We recognize that during this time, many people have been laid-off due to COVID-19, and we want to support you.

That’s why we’ve decided to offer free logos to anyone laid off due to Coronavirus until May 30th.

With more time at home, we’re seeing a jump in people interested in making logos. We think this means more of you are turning to your side hustles, your passion projects, those small business ideas you’ve been dreaming of starting, and turning them into a reality.

Starting a business is no easy feat, and we hope this small offering of a free logo gives you some much-needed hope as you venture into new and exciting territory.

Whether you’re in hospitality, food and beverage, airline and travel, or another industry affected by the virus, we want to hear from you.

Here’s how to submit

Hop on our live chat (speech bubble on the bottom right of this screen) and tell our customer support team about your situation and the new business you’re starting. They’ll help you out from there!

To inspire others who are thinking about starting their own business during this time, we’re sharing stories from people who have already begun their entrepreneurial journey. By submitting the story of why you chose to start a business after experiencing COVID-related layoffs, you’ll qualify for a free logo from Looka—to help you get your business off the ground.

Get started today!

Use Looka's AI-powered platform to create a logo, design a website, and build a brand you love.