Looka-This Update: It’s Raining Logo Layouts!

New logo layouts
We’ve added four new logo layouts to the logo maker to make your logo look even more customized!
- Symbol between text
- Multi-font logos
- Multi-color text
- Symbol-as-letter
Let’s take a look at each one.
Symbol between text
You can now add a symbol between the text in your logo to break up the words. This looks great for logos with crests and emblems!
Multi-color fonts
Play around with different colors in your logo text! Logos with multiple words can now be different colors to create contrast or add emphasis on a particular word.
Symbol as text
We’ve curated select symbols that can be used instead of letters. Your logo will remain easily legible while having a more custom look to it.
Multi-font logos
Switching up the fonts in your logo is a great way to add or remove weight to different words. Doing this puts emphasis the part of your logo you want noticed the most.