Event logo design

Whether it's a themed trade show, a lavish fundraiser, or a local concert, creating a great event is all about learning to draw a crowd. But how do you get people excited about your event before they even know the details? By building a brand for your event or events business, you can give attendees a taste of what’s to come. If you’re looking to create an eye-catching first impression, a well-designed event logo is just the ticket. 

To begin your logo design journey, we cordially invite you to explore our collection of event logos. Browse logos from event planners, event services, and one-off events, to see how others are building anticipation through their brand. After discovering the colors, formats, fonts, and symbols that give this industry its look, it’s time to take the next step. Create the perfect event logo for your business, using our AI-powered logo creator. It’s free to try and fun to use—no RSVP necessary.